giovedì 31 maggio 2007

Due nuove bambini

La mia amica Nury è adesso all'ospedale di Bellinzona. Avrà un bambino!! Ieri mi aveva scritto che non stava così bene, aveva preso un po' di freddo. Oggi quando l'ho chiesto come sta mi ha detto che eri già all'ospedale!! Dopo lavoro sono andata in città e ho comprato un po' di belle cose per il bambino. Sono così piccoli!!!

Sono così curiosa di vederlo!! Un nuovo piccolissimo bambino! Poi, anche lei aveva detto che è curiosissima che colore avranno i capelli e la pelle e gli occhi. Lei è dalla Republica Dominicana. La ho conosciuto nel corso di italiano. Ma lei parla benissimo l'italiano. Per fortuna è anche venuta la mamma dalla Republica Domenicana per la nascità. Per fortuna poteva perchè è tanto difficile per le persone della RD entrare nella Svizzera, ormai... Non vedo l'ora quando posso trovarla nell'ospedale!!!

Poi anche la moglie del nostro padrone di casa è incinta e mi ha detto che potrà arrivare il bambino ogni minuto. Penso che tutti i bambini arrivano sempre nel stesso momento e che lei sia anche all'ospedale ora. Non lo so ancora cos'è questo bambino, maschietto o femmina... la Nury avrà un bimbo.

sabato 26 maggio 2007


Ich war heute zu einem Vorstellungsgespraech mit zwei Nonnen die eine Privatschule leiten und in der ich mich als Deutschlehrerin beworben habe. Oh, das war mal richtig interessant!!! Die waren irgendwie lieb aber man hat gemerkt dass die auch eisern sein koennen und die hatten Humor und viel Verstaendnis fuer ihre Schueler/innen. Am Schluss hat sich die eine ein Gewitter fuer heute abend gewuenscht weil dort heute die Notte Biancha ist mit Musik und geoeffneten Geschaeften und weil die Schule hoeher liegt als die Stadt kommt der ganze Krach oben an. Und dann kam aber auch ein Riesengewitter mit Platzregen und allem!! Ich kann da jetzt wahrscheinlich eine Probestunde machen. Das waere fuer circa 13 Stunden in der Woche... mal sehen. Es war schon allein die Sache wert mal dort gewesen zu sein und mit den beiden zu reden...

martedì 22 maggio 2007

Una bellissima sposa

Meine kleine Danny hat geheiratet!!! In der Kirche musste ich schon ein bisschen weinen. Sie sah so schön aus und als der Opa sie zum Altar geführt hat, das war sooooo süss. Drei Tage in Deutschland und so viele Eindrücke!!

In Münster war es schön wie immer und ich hab mich riesig gefreut dass die Kathy, die Sylvana (extra mitm Zug aus Bünde) und die Isabel gekommen sind um mich zu sehen. Ich hab es auch total genossen mal wieder im Miner's zu sitzen in der Sonne und zu quatschen und die Leute zu beobachten. Alle sahen ganz gut aus und ich wollte sie gar nicht mehr gehen lassen.

Nächstes Mal reise ich nur noch mit gültigem Pass denn bei den Fluggesellschaften ist die EU noch nicht angekommen. Es war so verrückt, rein durfte ich nach Deutschland weil die mir als Deutsche die Einreise nicht verbieten dürfen. Dann im Amt in Münster der Schock: "Wir können gar nichts für Sie machen, Sie sind hier nicht mehr gemeldet. Sie müssen zur Botschaft in der Schweiz." Ja super, nur wie hinkommen ohne Pass? Und meinen schweizer Ausweis wollte kein Mensch akzeptieren. Boh, so ein Stress!!!!

Dann wieder in Malpensa gelandet und total verrückt, mich mehr zu Hause gefühlt als in Deutschland. Alles so vertraut, die Häuser, die Berge, die Seen. Ein total seltsames Gefühl, das auch ein bisschen Bauchschmerzen bereitet. Wie schnell es geht dass man sich entfremdet. Ich lebe hier so irgendwie zwischen den Welten, das habe ich besonders an der Passsache zu spüren bekommen. Bin weder richtige Deutsche noch Schweizer. Bin Europäerin aber wohne im EU-Ausland. Uffa...

Aber das wichtigste: Meine Freunde und Familie sind noch genau wie früher und es war ganz egal was ich bin und wo wir herkommen...

domenica 13 maggio 2007

Momo blue eyes

Miao, I am Momo and I wanted to make you see my blue eyes. I am still little but I already play all day and all night. I also like to chew fingers and climb legs. When I run I run a bit sideways which causes the big cats who walk on two legs to make strange sounds. The first days I was here I still wanted to drink milk but I am becoming a real cat now, eating cat food. I am also growing like crazy and my fur is always becoming longer and shinier. The big cats who walk on two legs let me sleep on their shoulders but when I play with their ears they yell at me. I only like to be caressed when I'm tired. All the rest of the day I need to play and learn how to catch cat toys. I have also already been outside, big cat that I am. But when the air makes a funny movement, I'm afraid. The air does that a lot. Yesterday I also saw a bumblebee. I thought it wanted to play with me but when I tried to catch it, it few away. I don't like lying in the sun because I'm black and it makes me very hot. Ecco, now I'm going to sleep.

28 Grad und Sonnenschein

Gestern Wetterbericht fuer Deutschland gesehen. Regen. Hehe. Temperaturen nur 10 Grad weniger als hier. Hilfe. War am letzten Donnerstag schwimmen an der Stelle auf dem Foto. Zugegeben, der Lago Maggiore ist noch nicht so warm wie letzten August, aber merkwuerdigerweise ist er am Ufer jetzt kaelter als in der Mitte. Bis auf die eiskalten Stroemungen zwischendurch war es perfekt.

Be, hoffentlich wird es noch ein bisschen waermer in Deutschland sonst kriege ich den Kaelteschock und fuer die Hochzeit von der Danny waer's auch schoener sonnig und warm...

martedì 8 maggio 2007

Switzerland, the hole in Europe

Sometimes it it SUCH a pain in the butt that I am here in Switzerland and not in Italy because Switzerland is not in the EU. They really make you feel like a second class citizen. I am beginning to understand what some of the international students in Germany went through (those from non-EU countries). It all began with my bank. Because I only have "permesso L" I couldn't obtain an EC card.

If you're not from the EU, let me explain. In Muenster, they give you an EC card with every conto you have. It is standard. I went to the Netherlands, I paid with my EC card. I went to France, I paid with my EC card. It was all wonderfully easy and comfortable, it was what made me feel like we're one big country of people who speak different languages.

I went to Switzerland and my EC card turned into a worthless piece of plastic. And worse, they wouldn't even give me one of their bank, because I only have permesso L. So I switched banks, switched to one that is basically Italian. Problem solved but a bitter taste remained and I already began to feel a bit "inferior" (even if that's a strong word to use).

Then there's a card that gives you 10% of everything you buy at Manor which is the only greater "Kaufhaus" here. But you can only get that if you have at least a permesso B (which, I think, equals the right to stay as long as you want in Switzerland as opposed to mine which is valid for only one year (so far)). Would it be useful if I tattooed "permesso L" on my front so that everybody could identify me right from the start as a second class citizen?

Then I got a health insurance in Germany that is especially for au pairs, which means it is less than 50 Euros every month. Now, in the EU we have a treaty that says that all insurances from other EU countries are accepted. Great, I thought, since we also have a treaty with Switzerland. But now I have been getting letters from the office here at Bellinzona and they're asking me to get a Swiss health insurance because they don't recognize my German one. Fine, I thought, I will just copy the right section from the treaty and that's it. Turns out, however, that Switzerland has made about a gazillion of extra rules (which, not being in the EU they can) and one of them is that I have to insurance myself here. Which amounts to about 200 Franchi every months (about 150 Euro), which, being in a situation of still working as an au pair but paying the rent of my room and basically living of what I earn as a German teacher, I don't have.

Yeah, life is pretty unfair with the Swiss citizens having all the rights in the EU but us EU citizens not feeling at all like we do in the Netherlands or France. But then, I guess I have to see it that way-- that we in the EU are really open to other nations even if they're not in the EU, that we know how to create that feeling of "we're all part of one big union with many cultures and languages". Thank you, Netherlands and France for making me feel welcome. And, once again I find it is the small things that make all the difference.

lunedì 7 maggio 2007

Münster, here I come!!

Yay, am 18. Mai werde ich in Münster sein!! Ich dachte, ich bin so ab drei im Miner's, also wer mich sehen will...!? Oh, mein geliebtes Münster, ich kooooooooooooomme!!! Und wehe, es scheint keine Sonne!!

Back in 97

When I was at high school I did this one. You have to click on it to see it right. It consists of a myriad of little black lines that I did with black ink. The image is from a book of photography. Back then I still dreamed of studying art and when the art academy at Muenster rejected my application, I was really down. But now I'm thinking what would I have done after having studied art? Now, years later it turns out that having studied German was a great asset.


This is a pic of some horses I did a while back. I used to ride a lot when I was in the US. I mostly enjoyed the spiritual bond that you get to have with a horse that you know well and the sense of doing something together, animal and human being. It always seemed such a miracle that such a proud wild animal would admit us to ride on top of him.

Did I mention yet

that I like to paint? Lately I haven't painted a lot but I wanted to show you some of my pics. This is one I did with water color. I had a purple-yellow phase when I did this. Last winter I did another painting of the village in the mountain (Vigera) where we like to go for a vacation and I still used some purple in that picture but my method has already changed. Even for me painting is always an adventure. I never know which colors or style I will use until they're on the paper. For instance the painting of Vigera was a lot more placative than anything I had done so far.

Hai provato dormire con un gattino nel letto?

E' impossibile! Stanotte mi ha svegliato almeno 5 volte. Voleva giocare alle 4 di mattina. Ma sei fuori, tu!? Piccoli zampine nella faccia. Mi sono girata contro la parete ma ha subito trovato un altro modo di rompermi, è salito sulla mia testa e ha giocato con i miei capelli. Uffa.

Voleva gia' metterlo nella stanza di Nico, pero' aveva la porta chiusa. Daiii, prossima volta che lavoro la mattina il Momo dormerà con lui!!

Ha la faccia così dolce che non si può neanche sgridarlo ( il gattino ;). Si sente già il re dell'appartamento. Non ha più paura di niente. Ha solo un mese e mezzo, è piccolo come un topo e non so neanche bere da un sottopiatto ma va dappertutto, portando fuori tutto il polvere sotto delle armadi. Pensa anche che le gambe degli uomini siano fatte per salire... AIAAAA!!

The good people

Well, the little one has fallen asleep drinking milk so I got a few minutes to post. I'm working today on a Monday and instead will have a day off on Thursday.

Dang, had to walk to work today because on Friday someone stole Nico's bike. I'm convinced it is still here at Bellinzona and if I see it, I plan to steal it back. Or maybe wait behind a wall and when the person who has stolen it arrives, I will make a great scene shouting, "Polizia!!! Aiuto!!!" That way all of Bellinzona will know that the person is a thief.

I am so angry. At StudiVZ I'm already in the "Someone-stole-my-bike" group. I thought once in a life was enough. Someone already stole my bike when I was in high school. I felt so betrayed. Yes, I am one of these people who believe that all people are good. Obviously, that's not true as I have been reminded once again. Cavolo!!!!!

domenica 6 maggio 2007

Zweiter Tag

Zweiter Tag: Um sieben aufgewacht und Schock!!! Wo ist das Tierchen hin??? Nicht hinten im Bett, nicht vorne nicht auf der Decke. Panischer Gedanke: Im Schlaf umgedreht und auf das Minitigerchen? Decke hochgehoben. Und da lag es und sah mich mit verschlafen Aeuglein an. Wasn los? Warum weckst du mich? Gaehn. Okay, dann kann ich auch gleich spielen. Bis 8 Uhr gespielt waehrend ich versucht hab noch ein bisschen zu schlafen... Minikrallen im Ohr, im Mund auf dem Kopf. Hilfe!!

Aufgestanden, mit der Pipette Wasser gefuettert. Gefruehstueckt bis das Momochen anfing zu miauen. Von der Hand Minibrekkies gefuettert waehrend der Kaffee auf dem Tisch kalt wurde. Egal. Kaetzchen zufrieden, weitergegessen.

Spaeter, raus in die Sonne auf den Balkon. Hat sich wahnsinnig erschreckt als ein Windhauch kam, aber neugierig zwischen die Pflanzen getigert. Mit Katzengras gespielt, Ameise beobachtet, sich vor Vogel erschreckt. Um 10 wollte es Milch. Milch gefuettert. Um 12 wollte es wieder Milch. Milch gefuetter. Jetzt liegt es satt und dick unter meinem Bett und schlaeft. Pause.... uffa!!

sabato 5 maggio 2007

Meins, meins, meins!!!

Yay, yesterday night we finally got to take our new kitten home!! We got to choose between two black males, one that was a bit skinnier and darker than the other, which at first remained hidden in his little hut. But when I got to see the one that had hidden himself I knew he was the one. He immediately fell asleep in my arms and closed his eyes.

After we took him home, he alread purred an hour later and began to tear apart the apartment. He woke me at least five times tonight because he absolutely wanted to sleep ON my head instead of at my feet or next to me. Then, at five in the morning he decided that it was time to play. Fortunately he fell asleep again at six o'clock and we got to sleep until nine.

Now I'm sitting here at my desk and the gattino has infiled himself into my cardigan and is sleeping. I'm going to leave him all alone in a few minutes because I have to do some shopping. Oh oh, once I leave him only in another room he begins to meaow in a way that breaks your heart. I don't know how I'm going to do it. Maybe I will carry him in a bag?

martedì 1 maggio 2007

44 gattini

Update: Still haven't reached the lady with the five black kittens but now a friend of Nico's called and said that he found someone at Lugano with 3 black kittens. What a mess! Now I guess we're not going to find out anything today... but later we'll go for a walk at the river and when we return will pass by the house of the lady with the five kittens. As for now I remain the gattalcaffe (cat at the cafè) without a cat. Let's hope that will change soon! I'll keep y'all updated...

Yesterday, Lago Maggiore

Yesterday we had some hours to pass between my two job interviews and so we took a catnap on the shore of Lago Maggiore. The sand was still warmed by the sun but a thunderstorm was building up over the mountains. Oh, I wish you could've seen it! It was so pretty with the lightenings over the mountains and the thunder rolling, the threatening black clouds over the water and the lake all upset making little waves on the shore. The thunderstorm kept to the other side of the lake until I had to leave for the interview at a privat school at Locarno. During the interview I could still hear the thunder rolling and the head of the school said "Che bell temporale!" What a beautiful thunderstorm!! Later we did get some rain and rain we do need desperately. The lake is almost at it's all time low and the river Ticino is becoming smaller and smaller every day. The other day when I returned from Italy with my parents there was already a fire in the mountains above Ascona, with helicopters flying and filling their water sacks in the lake...

Uh-oh, Zahlenverdreher!!

Okay, wir haben heute morgen angerufen bei der Gabriella mit den fuenf Katzen aber es hat sich jemand anders gemeldet!! Oh, no!!! Dann haben wir aber rausgefunden, dass es nur ein Zahlenverdreher war von der Freundin von der Gabriella und in ein paar Minuten wollen wir mal die richtige Nummer ausprobieren! Ich kann es kaum erwarten! Ich wollte ja schon vor Verzweiflung das Kaninchen behalten das wir in Pflege haben... oh, wenn ich nur nicht so ungeduldig waere!!!

Another kitten

Just heard that there might be another little kitten for us. A woman in Bellinzona has written and said that her friend's cat has five black kittens that she wants to give away!!! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to reach her yet! I so hope that we will reach them today and I can't wait to see them!!!