martedì 6 marzo 2007

WWU s....!

I usually don't use a lot of swear words but I want to say it out loud just this one time: WWU Muenster sucks. Basta! I have been waiting for SIX months for my diploma. It is now 2007. I graduated in 2006 and still don't have my diploma. But that's just one example for all the million things they do to you at that university. As a student you have basically NO rights and it seems that nobody gives a crap if you graduate or drop out or do whatever you want. Not only do they send you your diploma by mail (yes, no celebration whatsoever) but then they don't even manage to do that!!!

I have a friend who studies sport and broke her leg for a sports exam which is so insanely difficult so that many students get hurt badly. You would think that normally she could at least do her written exams while her leg was healing, but no, at WWU Muenster you can't. Why? Because they just don't care.

During my studies there I have seen so many things that were so inhumane, so obviously WRONG, I can only advise everybody "Do not send your children there." And if you're a student "Don't study there!" I feel sorry for the few humane and genuenily concerned profs I met there. But the university is just about the worst you can imagine. I cannot count the times I had to sit on the floor or windowsill because there were too many students in one class (because there weren't enough profs or classes), how many times I had to do a course the next semester because it was full, how many times I asked myself what the prof was doing in the room as we were mostly running classes ourselves, how many times I wondered wether we were in Germany or in a third world country as the conditions must be similar.

But the thing that upsets me the most it's not that it's true that the universities in Germany are for free and therefore you cannot expect anything better, no! My parents have payed for these schools in the hope that they would give me a good education. But the education I have mostly given myself. In America I have attended classes where I learned something from the prof. In Germany I didn't. And then they don't even manage to sent me my diploma. Oh, I H A T E that school and I'd be more than grateful if I didn't have to deal with them any more.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

just wanna agree.. every single word is true!!