domenica 14 gennaio 2007


Welcome to my new blog! Usually I don't like to change email addresses or websites but after my former webmaster cancelled all of the blogs on his server and I lost everything I had written at Muenster before coming here I was already annoyed.

Now the tags don't work at the old blog, it is very complicated to insert an image and have text in the same line, plus it seemed to me that most of the other blogs where written by such characters as "Deathangel" and other depressing names whereas here you can find a mixture of blogs from all around the world. And those who know me personally know that I like to mingle with folks from everywhere.

Ed eccomi, my new blog is kept a little simpler which I think provides a nicer background for the images I'm going to insert. However, pretty much nothing else has changed. There are still the links on the right (instead of the left) and there's my profile above. I have added a list of the books I am reading (sto leggendo...) and the stars next to a book correspond to how much I like/d it. There's also a list of the places I have recently been to, which I keep mostly for my own pleasure... However, there's one thing this blog can't do and that is have a photo album as nice as the old one. I have decided that I will put the nicest photo here and maybe use the old blog only for photos. We will see... It seems I don't have the time to always put the photos online, anyway.

However, I hope you all stay with me and keep reading! I enjoy sharing my thoughts and pictures with you as I go on exploring the Italian culture...

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